The Consensus module provides an interface for consensus mechanisms.
Currently, the following consensus engines are available:
The Zchains wants to maintain a state of modularity and pluggability.
This is why the core consensus logic has been abstracted away, so new consensus mechanisms can be built on top, without compromising on usability and ease of use.
Consensus Interface
// Consensus is the interface for consensus
type Consensus interface {
// VerifyHeader verifies the header is correct
VerifyHeader(parent, header *types.Header) error
// Start starts the consensus
Start() error
// Close closes the connection
Close() error
The Consensus interface is the core of the mentioned abstraction.
The VerifyHeader method represents a helper function which the consensus layer exposes to the blockchain layer It is there to handle header verification
The Start method simply starts the consensus process, and everything associated with it. This includes synchronization, sealing, everything that needs to be done
The Close method closes the consensus connection
Consensus Configuration
// Config is the configuration for the consensus
type Config struct {
// Logger to be used by the backend
Logger *log.Logger
// Params are the params of the chain and the consensus
Params *chain.Params
// Specific configuration parameters for the backend
Config map[string]interface{}
// Path for the consensus protocol to store information
Path string
There may be times when you might want to pass in a custom location for the consensus protocol to store data, or perhaps a custom key-value map that you want the consensus mechanism to use. This can be achieved through the Config struct, which gets read when a new consensus instance is created.
The blockchain header object, among other fields, has a field called ExtraData.
To review the fields present in the block header, please check out the State in Ethereum section.
IBFT uses this extra field to store operational information regarding the block, answering questions like:
"Who signed this block?"
"Who are the validators for this block?"
These extra fields for IBFT are defined as follows:
type IstanbulExtra struct {
Validators []types.Address
Seal []byte
CommittedSeal [][]byte
Signing Data
In order for the node to sign information in IBFT, it leverages the signHash method:
func signHash(h *types.Header) ([]byte, error) {
//hash := istambulHeaderHash(h)
//return hash.Bytes(), nil
h = h.Copy() // make a copy since we update the extra field
arena := fastrlp.DefaultArenaPool.Get()
defer fastrlp.DefaultArenaPool.Put(arena)
// when hashign the block for signing we have to remove from
// the extra field the seal and commitedseal items
extra, err := getIbftExtra(h)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
putIbftExtraValidators(h, extra.Validators)
vv := arena.NewArray()
buf := keccak.Keccak256Rlp(nil, vv)
return buf, nil
Another notable method is the VerifyCommittedFields method, which verifies that the committed seals are from valid validators:
func verifyCommitedFields(snap *Snapshot, header *types.Header) error {
extra, err := getIbftExtra(header)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(extra.CommittedSeal) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("empty committed seals")
// get the message that needs to be signed
signMsg, err := signHash(header)
if err != nil {
return err
signMsg = commitMsg(signMsg)
visited := map[types.Address]struct{}{}
for _, seal := range extra.CommittedSeal {
addr, err := ecrecoverImpl(seal, signMsg)
if err != nil {
return err
if _, ok := visited[addr]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("repeated seal")
} else {
if !snap.Set.Includes(addr) {
return fmt.Errorf("signed by non validator")
visited[addr] = struct{}{}
validSeals := len(visited)
if validSeals <= 2*snap.Set.MinFaultyNodes() {
return fmt.Errorf("not enough seals to seal block")
return nil
Snapshots, as the name implies, are there to provide a snapshot, or the state of a system at any block height (number).
Snapshots contain a set of nodes who are validators, as well as voting information (validators can vote for other validators). Validators include voting information in the Miner header filed, and change the value of the nonce:
Nonce is all 1s if the node wants to remove a validator
Nonce is all 0s if the node wants to add a validator
Snapshots are calculated using the processHeaders method:
func (i *Ibft) processHeaders(headers []*types.Header) error {
if len(headers) == 0 {
return nil
parentSnap, err := i.getSnapshot(headers[0].Number - 1)
if err != nil {
return err
snap := parentSnap.Copy()
saveSnap := func(h *types.Header) error {
if snap.Equal(parentSnap) {
return nil
snap.Number = h.Number
snap.Hash = h.Hash.String()
parentSnap = snap
snap = parentSnap.Copy()
return nil
for _, h := range headers {
number := h.Number
validator, err := ecrecoverFromHeader(h)
if err != nil {
return err
if !snap.Set.Includes(validator) {
return fmt.Errorf("unauthroized validator")
if number%i.epochSize == 0 {
// during a checkpoint block, we reset the voles
// and there cannot be any proposals
snap.Votes = nil
if err := saveSnap(h); err != nil {
return err
// remove in-memory snaphots from two epochs before this one
epoch := int(number/i.epochSize) - 2
if epoch > 0 {
purgeBlock := uint64(epoch) * i.epochSize
// if we have a miner address, this might be a vote
if h.Miner == types.ZeroAddress {
// the nonce selects the action
var authorize bool
if h.Nonce == nonceAuthVote {
authorize = true
} else if h.Nonce == nonceDropVote {
authorize = false
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("incorrect vote nonce")
// validate the vote
if authorize {
// we can only authorize if they are not on the validators list
if snap.Set.Includes(h.Miner) {
} else {
// we can only remove if they are part of the validators list
if !snap.Set.Includes(h.Miner) {
count := snap.Count(func(v *Vote) bool {
return v.Validator == validator && v.Address == h.Miner
if count > 1 {
// there can only be one vote per validator per address
return fmt.Errorf("more than one proposal per validator per address found")
if count == 0 {
// cast the new vote since there is no one yet
snap.Votes = append(snap.Votes, &Vote{
Validator: validator,
Address: h.Miner,
Authorize: authorize,
// check the tally for the proposed validator
tally := snap.Count(func(v *Vote) bool {
return v.Address == h.Miner
if tally > snap.Set.Len()/2 {
if authorize {
// add the proposal to the validator list
} else {
// remove the proposal from the validators list
// remove any votes casted by the removed validator
snap.RemoveVotes(func(v *Vote) bool {
return v.Validator == h.Miner
// remove all the votes that promoted this validator
snap.RemoveVotes(func(v *Vote) bool {
return v.Address == h.Miner
if err := saveSnap(h); err != nil {
return nil
// update the metadata[len(headers)-1].Number)
return nil
This method is usually called with 1 header, but the flow is the same even with multiple headers.
For each passed-in header, IBFT needs to verify that the proposer of the header is the validator. This can be done easily by grabbing the latest snapshot, and checking if the node is in the validator set.
Next, the nonce is checked. The vote is included, and tallied - and if there are enough votes a node is added/removed from the validator set, following which the new snapshot is saved.
Snapshot Store
The snapshot service manages and updates an entity called the snapshotStore, which stores the list of all available snapshots. Using it, the service is able to quickly figure out which snapshot is associated with which block height.
type snapshotStore struct {
lastNumber uint64
lock sync.Mutex
list snapshotSortedList
IBFT Startup
To start up IBFT, the Polygon Edge firstly needs to set up the IBFT transport:
func (i *Ibft) setupTransport() error {
// use a gossip protocol
topic, err :=, &proto.MessageReq{})
if err != nil {
return err
err = topic.Subscribe(func(obj interface{}) {
msg := obj.(*proto.MessageReq)
if !i.isSealing() {
// if we are not sealing we do not care about the messages
// but we need to subscribe to propagate the messages
// decode sender
if err := validateMsg(msg); err != nil {
i.logger.Error("failed to validate msg", "err", err)
if msg.From == i.validatorKeyAddr.String() {
// we are the sender, skip this message since we already
// relay our own messages internally.
if err != nil {
return err
i.transport = &gossipTransport{topic: topic}
return nil
It essentially creates a new topic with IBFT proto, with a new proto buff message.
The messages are meant to be used by validators. The Polygon Edge then subscribes to the topic and handles messages accordingly.
The message exchanged by validators:
message MessageReq {
// type is the type of the message
Type type = 1;
// from is the address of the sender
string from = 2;
// seal is the committed seal if message is commit
string seal = 3;
// signature is the crypto signature of the message
string signature = 4;
// view is the view assigned to the message
View view = 5;
// hash of the locked block
string digest = 6;
// proposal is the rlp encoded block in preprepare messages
google.protobuf.Any proposal = 7;
enum Type {
Preprepare = 0;
Prepare = 1;
Commit = 2;
RoundChange = 3;
message View {
uint64 round = 1;
uint64 sequence = 2;
The View field in the MessageReq represents the current node position inside the chain. It has a round, and a sequence attribute.
round represents the proposer round for the height
sequence represents the height of the blockchain
The msgQueue filed in the IBFT implementation has the purpose of storing message requests. It orders messages by the View (firstly by sequence, then by round). The IBFT implementation also possesses different queues for different states in the system.
IBFT States
After the consensus mechanism is started using the Start method, it runs into an infinite loop which simulates a state machine:
func (i *Ibft) start() {
// consensus always starts in SyncState mode in case it needs
// to sync with other nodes.
header := i.blockchain.Header()
i.logger.Debug("current sequence", "sequence", header.Number+1)
for {
select {
case <-i.closeCh:
func (i *Ibft) runCycle() {
if i.state.view != nil {
switch i.getState() {
case AcceptState:
case ValidateState:
case RoundChangeState:
case SyncState:
All nodes initially start in the Sync state.
This is because fresh data needs to be fetched from the blockchain. The client needs to find out if it's the validator, find the current snapshot. This state resolves any pending blocks.
After the sync finishes, and the client determines it is indeed a validator, it needs to transfer to AcceptState. If the client is not a validator, it will continue syncing, and stay in SyncState
The Accept state always check the snapshot and the validator set. If the current node is not in the validators set, it moves back to the Sync state.
On the other hand, if the node is a validator, it calculates the proposer. If it turns out that the current node is the proposer, it builds a block, and sends preprepare and then prepare messages.
Preprepare messages - messages sent by proposers to validators, to let them know about the proposal
Prepare messages - messages where validators agree on a proposal. All nodes receive all prepare messages
Commit messages - messages containing commit information for the proposal
If the current node is not a validator, it uses the getNextMessage method to read a message from the previously shown queue.
It waits for the preprepare messages. Once it is confirmed everything is correct, the node moves to the Validate state.
The Validate state is rather simple - all nodes do in this state is read messages and add them to their local snapshot state.